There aren't many things that will do a business justice quite like some targeted advertising. Basic advertising is beneficial, but when you target it to a particular market your likelihood of closing out sales is made much greater.
There are many ways to accomplish this offline, but I have found Adzly to be one of the best online tools. Adzly is a free marketing tool which has some similarities to Google's Adsense program.
Any person that wishes to expand their advertising efforts online can create ad widgets. These widgets are formed with HTML code that is provided at the end of a short series of steps. One is first asked to create a short ad and a header. The number of characters that are available is relatively few.
This is quite understandable given the potential for abuse and the maintenance of a uniformed service. Upgraded Adzly members are offered more appearance features. For example, if you want images to be shown on your ad widgets you can. The user friendliness of Adzly is just one of the main aspects I love.
This form of targeted online advertising has the potential to go viral. Aside from having a built in compensation plan, this free marketing tool exposes your business to the masses even while you sleep. As you create widgets and place them on different websites, you earn advertising credits each time the widget is loaded. These credits are turned into ad impressions for your marketed site.
The residual action comes as others see your widgets. On the Adzly widget itself there is a link for anyone to get their free account. If they join from your ad widgets, they join your adstream. Friends of theirs can join them, and they too will be a part of your stream.
You earn credits every time each widget is loaded in your ad stream for two levels out. This makes for nonstop advertising. The Adzly concept can be very powerful for those advertising anything. Each ad is categorized (you're asked this in edit mode) to give you optimal targeting. The fact that it' still growing and is a free service, gives you a prime opportunity to jump in. Visit Adzly today to learn more and how to get started.